There are some disadvantages to going to the store and buying the first product on the shelves. Traditional cleaning products are full of mysterious chemicals, and they’re often packaged in plastic waste that will end up in landfills sooner than expected.
How can you make cleaning easier for both your family and the environment? There are many ways to make cleaning easier for your family and the planet. All you need is a few smart switches and some careful decisions.
These are six simple ways to make your house cleaner and safer.
1. These Pantry Staples are a great resource!
Most likely, you already have all the ingredients that you need to keep your home spotless in your pantry and fridge. You don’t need to rush and purchase an additional product.
What are the three main wunderkinds in eco-friendly and safe cleaning? Baking soda, vinegar, and lemon.
These items are useful in many situations.
Stain removal can be done with baking soda and lemon peel. Lemon peel and white vinegar can be combined to make an all-purpose cleaner. To disinfect your dishes and countertops, rub lemon peel on them.
Baking soda and water are able to remove grease and rust. Baking soda and water can remove stubborn stains from your oven, toilet bowl, or clothes.
Vinegar is a great option when you need to clean your dishwasher on a daily basis. You can also use it to clean your windows.
You can find the exact ingredients for these uses by simply doing a quick Google search on your smartphone.
2. Get rid of paper towels
Although this one is more beneficial for the planet than your own health, it’s still a good idea all around. Get rid of those paper towels. They are unnecessary!
You can save trees by using reusable, washable cloths for all surfaces in your house. To replace your paper napkins, you can buy cloth napkins to use in your dining room.
To reduce mildew buildup and spread germs from one surface to another, it is important to wash your cloths frequently with hot water.
3. You can forgo the air freshener
Although you may believe that sweet-smelling fresheners are harmless, think again. A NRDC test revealed that over a dozen household fresheners contained chemicals which can disrupt your body’s hormones.
You can keep your family safe by using all-natural air fresheners. You can just crack the windows every now and again!
You can make your home cozy and warm by heating some cinnamon sticks and oranges in water. Or, you can put a few teaspoons vanilla in an oven-safe dish, and let it sit in the oven for a few hours.
4. Take Care of Your Sponge
Did you know that a typical polyester or plastic sponge can take forever to degrade in a landfill after it is tossed, and it can also produce chloroform if it is exposed to certain liquids. Yikes!
Choose a healthier sponge. You can buy cellulose sponges on Amazon and at most health food stores. Cellulose sponges can be biodegradable and absorb more than regular sponges.
5. Do not throw out the bad!
But don’t panic! You might be tempted just to toss your chemical-laden cleaners if you want to make cleaning more eco-friendly and safer for your family. But, you should think twice about what you are doing.
Tossing your cleaners in the trash can will result in them ending up in a landfill, where they all end up in the soil and water.
Instead, look into ways that your community might offer resources for toxic Recycling. Ask why they don’t offer any recycling options for toxic products.
6. Take stock of your resource usage
Finally, consider the resources that you are using when you mop, wash, or dry your floors.
How can you cut down on your water and energy consumption while cleaning?
You can use more traditional methods to clean rugs and mats, such as taking a rug outside and beating it with a broom. Only run wash cycles after you have finished washing dishes or laundry. Choose cleaners that do not require water dilution.
You can make your move easier by looking for eco-friendly and water-saving appliances.